The following are miscellaneous non-Messier objects I have photographed:

NGC 7293- the Helix Nebula                                                                         The Cone Nebula

The Perseus Double Cluster                                                                         IC 405 The Flaming Star Nebula

The Blue Snowball                                                                                         Stephan's Quintet

Nova Sagittarii 2001 Number 3                                                                    Eskimo Nebula

Comet Linear C/2000 WM                                                                           Erwin's Star

Comet Ikeya-Zhang

Comet Neat

The HorseHead Nebula


Ring Around the moon

NGC 6995- the Veil Nebula

The Rosette Nebula


NGC 7000- the North America Nebula

IC1318 - the Butterly Nebula

IC1396 - the Elephants Trunk Nebula