Cypress Gardens is 200 acres of beauty, containing more than 8000 varieties of plants and flowers from 90 different countries.   It is located near Orlando but closed for good on April 13, 2003, due to declining funds.
The images below were taken in March, 1970.

asign baldsign banyan bigtree boat bridge
asign.jpg baldsign.jpg banyan.jpg bigtree.jpg boat.jpg bridge.jpg
cypress flower1 flower2 flower4 flower6 flower7
cypress.jpg flower1.jpg flower2.jpg flower4.jpg flower6.jpg flower7.jpg
flower8 flower9 flowershrub flowertree gazebo girls
flower8.jpg flower9.jpg flowershrub.jpg flowertree.jpg gazebo.jpg girls.jpg
lily mosssign scene1 scene2 scene3 scene4
lily.jpg mosssign.jpg scene1.jpg scene2.jpg scene3.jpg scene4.jpg
scenewithboat shadyscene spanishmoss vegetation vegetation2 waterfall
scenewithboat.jpg shadyscene.jpg spanishmoss.jpg vegetation.jpg vegetation2.jpg waterfall.jpg

Older images --->  Water Skiing