Smithsonian Air and Space Museum / The P-51 Mustang was designed primarily to be a long-range fighter capable of accompanying bombers in Europe during WW II. The first model
Richard Erwin                                           was flown on October 26, 1940, but due to problems and numerous improvements, including a new engine and a 4-bladed prop, did not see combat
8/10/2009                                                  until 1942. Further improvements that year led to increased speed and longer range and finally during the summer and fall of 1943, the Mustang
                                                                    began to be used as a bomber escort in raids over Germany. The final war version, the P51D, saw brief usage in the Pacfic Theater, being able to
                                                                    accompany B-29's all the way to Japan and back. The plane below does not sport the traditional combat colors, which were typically silver and blue.

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