Seney Wildlife Refuge

Created by President Roosevelt in 1935, the Seney Wildlife Refuge in Northern Michigan is a rich mosaic of marsh, swamp, bog, grasslands, and forest.  Nearly two-thirds of this scenic and wild place is wetlands,  totaling 7000 acres in 26 major areas of water.  Among the other birds found in this wonderful wild refuge is the magnificent trumpeter swan, once almost extinct.   This bird, the largest waterfowl in North America and the largest swan in the world, weighs up to 40 pounds and was introduced to Seney in 1991.   Due to rigorous management policies, the trumpeter has rebounded from only 127 animals in 1933 to about 16,000 today but is still the rarest swan in the world.

Both images taken June, 2002, at Seney wildlife refuge, with Nikon and 500mm f:8 mirror lens, on Ektachrome 400 film.