Page 37

Wed., Sep 6, 1893: "Went to World's Fair in Chicago. Got there about 1:00 p.m. and stayed until closing at 10:00 p.m. Saw the wonders of the world in a very short time."

Fri, Dec 31, 1896: "Prices for the following were: oats, 15 - 18 cents/bu., corn, 25 cents/100 lbs., rye, 35 cents/bu., hay, $5 - $6/ton, hogs, $3/100 lbs, beef, $3.50/100 lbs, chickens, 4 1/2 cents/lb."

Apr 22, 1898: "War declared between Spain and the United States."

Sun, Oct. 19, 1902: "George Erwin came from Nebraska to visit." (The only visit that was recorded.)

Sep 9, 1903: "William Erwin went to Golden, Colo, to visit Stephan Erwin." (William's only visit to Stephan Erwin on record)

Thur, March 4, 1909: "Inauguration day for President William H. Taft."

Wed, March 26, 1909: "Experienced an earthquake in morning."

Tue, March 4, 1913: "Woodrow Wilson inaugurated."

Sat, Nov 14, 1914: "Stephan Erwin came from Golden, Colo. for a visit." (Stephan visited William 2 times that are known)

Some additional notes regarding William may be found in the appendix at the back of the book. His descendants will be discussed below, and his FGR is 47.

John Spears' fourth son, and his last by Minerva Wright, was Stephen, born on October 8, 1844, in Caledonia, Illinois. Very little is known about Stephen, except that he married Hannah Petrie on Christmas Eve, 1868, and that he lived in Golden, Colorado. As mentioned above, William visited him there in September, 1903, and he visited William in Illinois in November, 1914, as well as one other time, date unknown. Stephen and Hannah had two sons, named Frank and Burt, and a daughter named Ella but nothing else is known about them.

The next son born to John Spears was his first by Cynthia Depuy, and his name was Royal Adelbert Erwin. Royal was born on May 24, 1853, in Belvidere, Illinois. Although I have little information about Royal himself, other than his birth, death, and marriage dates, I have extensive information regarding his descendants, and this is enumerated below. It is known that he married Catherine Ellen Oliver in 1882, and that he lived in northern Minnesota. His death is recorded as having occurred in Bemidji. His FGR is 38.

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