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           From the memory of Elvene Rasmussen Erwin, Cynthia's granddaughter who became acquainted with her between 1904 and 1907,  she had two more children after the death of John Spears Erwin,  Willie and Rosie  Babcock,   bringing  her total to 8, although she was apparently either mother or stepmother to a total of 15, because of her multiple marriages.  It is not clear whether or not Cynthia actually married a man named Babcock, but it seems that Rosie was either given away or sold.  One family story says that she was sold for $300.  Apparently Cynthia was filled with remorse over the lost child, and family stories indicate that she would go into the fields in back of the barn and call for her daughter.  This may have been a factor in her declining mental state which eventually led to hospitalization in the Rochester State Hospital on July 27, 1907. 

             A possible fourth husband is indicated by a land transfer that occurred on March 25, 1889, and by the records in the Rochester State Hospital which give her name as Cynthia Wilson, but I have been unable to uncover any other information about a Mr. Wilson, or whether she was in fact ever married to same.  The record shows a deed from John and Mary (Erwin) Campbell to Cynthia Wilson for 2 1/2 acres of land in Milton Township, Dodge County, Minnesota on that date.  This property was later sold to Josiah Depuy, her brother.  Cynthia apparently lived with John and Mary for a time, before the summer of 1907, when she was committed to the hospital.  It seems that she also lived for a time near my grandfather Benjamin's farm, for several of my Aunts recall that "she lived in a shack over in the woods", but it is not clear at what time in her life this occured.  Cynthia died at the Rochester State Hospital on March 30, 1909, of organic heart disease, and is buried there.

             The first son born to John Spears Erwin was George, his third child, born in 1835, in Madrid, New York.  George married Amira Whitcomb on Christmas Day, 1854, but I have so far discovered nothing at all about any children they may have had, although it is believed that they had at least two.  It is known that George lived in Nebraska, perhaps near North Bend, and that he and his brother William did correspond with one another.  On at least one occasion, in October of 1902, George came to Illinois to visit William. 

             John's second son, born in 1838 in Ontario, Canada, was Henry.  Unfortunately, the only other information that I have about Henry is that he lived in Leadville, Colorado.  I do not know for certain whether or not he married or when he died, but one family source indicates that he had a son named Frank.  It is known that his brother Stephen lived in Golden, Colorado, and if descendants of Stephen could be located, they might shed some light upon Henry's life.

             John's third son was William Sharp, born on October 14, 1842, in Caledonia, Illinois, and in William's case, much is known, thanks to his grandson Robert, who still lives in Boone County.  Robert has done a great deal of research into his Erwin ancestry, and I am indebted to him for much of what  follows.

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