
Vulpecula, The Little Fox, is a small constellation between Albireo, the head of Cygnus the Swan, and Sagitta, The Arrow. Albireo is the bright star at left in the photo below. Vulpecula contains just one 4th magnitude star and it has no proper name. But it lies in the Milky Way and does contain a number of deep space objects, among which are Brocchi's Cluster and M27, The Dumbbell Nnebula. Brocchi's star cluster is a well-known asterism commonly called The Coat Hanger, since it resembles an object of that name. In my photo, it is standing up on one end. M27, the Dumbbell Nebula, is a planetary that is sometimes called the finest in the sky; it was the very first one discovered. In telescopic photos, it reveals a blue or blue-green color and spans nearly half the width of the full moon. Be sure to see my image of M27.