NGC 869 and 884


The Perseus Double Cluster consists of two large open star groups, each about the size of the full moon. Visible to the naked eye, they lie about 7000 light-years from Earth and are quite young, having formed only 5 ½ and just over 3 million years ago. The pair make a very nice group in binoculars and low power instruments.

Image taken November 10, 2013, with the D-90 and the 300mm Tamron zoom lens riding piggy-back on the C-14. Exposure is 30 seconds at ISO 1600

Taken September 25, 2009, with the ST-8 and the 300mm Nikkor lens. Exposure was 5 minutes.
Taken September, 2005. Details not recorded but likely the 402 camera on the 300mm lens.