
Messier 89 is another elliptical member of the Virgo Cluster of Galaxies which is about 60 million light years from Earth. This galaxy appears to be nearly circular and it is not known whether is is actually globular in shape or an oblate or prolate spheroid with the rotation axis directed toward our line of sight. Long exposure photos taken of M89 have revealed a faint enveloping structure extended outward to a distance of 150,000 light years from the galaxy. In addition, these images reveal a faint jetlike structure extending more than 100,000 light years in distance. There is speculation that this jet may be a smaller galaxy in the process of being disrupted by the tidal gravity of M89 during an encounter.

Taken February 28, 2012, through broken clouds, with the C-14 operating at F:3.5 and the ST-8 camera binned 2 X 2. Exposure is 7 1/2 minutes.