Globular cluster Messier 69 is a small, faint, globular cluster in Sagittarius. At visual magnitude 7 1/2, it requires binoculars or a small telescope to observe. The cluster lies at a distance of just under 30,000 light years and spans only about 7 minutes of arc, although deep photos extend this by another 3 or so. M69 has a bright compact core and lies only a bit more than 6,000 light years from the center of the galaxy. The cluster is relatively rich in heavy elements but is still significantly lower than Population 1 stars which indicates its considerable age. M69 has only 8 known variable stars, 2 of which are Mira types.
Image taken September 8, 2012, with the C-14 operating at F:7 and the ST-8 camera binned 2 X 2. Exposure is 5 mintues, using Track and Accumulate. |