
M12 is very much like M10 in size, distance, and brightness, being only slightly smaller and slightly farther away, except that while M10 is receding from us, M12 is moving toward us. Also, this object is much less dense in its core and it was once suggested that it be classified as an intermediate type between dense open and globular clusters.

Image taken September 9, 2012, with the C-14 operating at F:7 and the ST-8 camera binned 2 X 2. Exposure is 300 seconds, using T & A.

Image taken through moonlight on June 26, 2012, with the C-14 operating at F:3.5 and the ST-8 binned 2 X 2. Exposure is 100 seconds.

Date and exposure information lost but likely taken at F:7 or F:11 with the 402 camera.