The Twins are a commonly recognized winter constellation. Being in the Zodiac, two of our planets were discovered while passing through Gemini: Uranus in 1781 and Pluto in 1930. The heads of the twins are the bright stars Pollux and Castor. Pollux is a type K star, is a bit more massive and is about 8 times the size of our sun. It is about 24 light years from Earth and in June, 2006, a planet was discovered orbiting Pollux. Castor is a type A star, at a distance of just under 50 light years. It is about twice as massive and twice as large as our sun. The Castor system is quadruple, consisting of two sets of binary stars orbiting each other. Interestingly enough, another nearby binary system consisting of two M type dwarf stars has been found to be gravitationally bound to the Castor system and thus the entire complex is actually sextuple.